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To ensure we maintain a positive, safe and fun learning environment, all students are required to adhere to our Student Code of Conduct Agreement.


We ask that all parents take the time to read this with their children so they fully understand what is expected of them when training with us.


Behaviour Expectations

  • To be respectful and courteous to each other at all times. This includes your training partners, instructors, parents and any adult.

  • To take care of your training partner – do not hurt them and thank them at the end of the class.

  • Poor behaviour and language will not be tolerated and may result in you being asked to leave.

  • To follow instructions the first time every time and ask the instructors if you don’t understand what to do.

  • To help other students if you see they need help by getting the attention of the instructor.

  • Not to leave the training hall without permission. If you need to leave for whatever reason i.e. go to the toilet, ask your instructor for permission.

  • Not to eat or chew gum during the class.


Personal hygiene, health and safety

  • To tell your parent if you are unwell. Children who are unwell with cold, cough, flu or COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with persons with COVID-19 must not attend the class.

  • If children who are unwell are brought to the class, they will be politely requested to return home so that they may rest and recover. 

  • To wash our hands with soap before and after each class and to use hand sanitiser if hand washing facilities are not available. 

  • To wear a clean KML Kids Training T-shirt, appropriate clothing and clean trainers to every class.

  • For safety, to keep fingernails and toenails short.

  • To remove any watches and jewellery before the class.

  • To bring any equipment e.g. boxing gloves, if applicable.


Arriving and leaving the hall

  • To arrive on time and wait quietly for the class to begin as there are usually other classes going on.

  • To greet your instructors and training partners when you see them.

  • If you’re late, wait by the side where the instructor can see you and invite you to join when it’s appropriate.

  • When the class is over, to leave the hall in an orderly and quiet manner. For safety, do not play on any equipment after the class.


Outdoor Classes

  • To wear appropriate clothing for outdoor classes e.g. trainers, sports clothing.

  • To listen to the instructor's safety guidelines and follow them at all times.

  • To immediately ask the instructor if any of the safety guidelines are unclear.

  • To stay within the marked off training area and not to leave that area unsupervised. 

  • To inform the instructor if you become unwell during the session and to stop participating. 

  • To leave the training area in a calm and polite manner, being respectful of other members of the public who are also sharing the space with us. 

  • To never litter or spit, always throwing our rubbish away in the bin. 


Expectations outside of training

  • Never teach others techniques learnt in the class as there isn’t an instructor present. What you teach them can be wrong and cause harm to your friends or classmates.

  • To be an ambassador of Krav Maga London Kids values: -

RESPECT – respect all people you interact with.

MODESTY – just because you train Krav Maga doesn’t mean you show off about it, be humble just like all the highest-level Experts.

COURAGE – if you’re faced with a bully situation, have the courage to talk to the bully to calm down the situation. Only ever use force when absolutely necessary.

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